How the large muscles of my body

Upon reaching adulthood, human enters the age he had to think about how to build his body, inflate muscles to look consistent, strong body, always trying to move to inflate his muscles to increase his confidence in himself.
Be aware of wanting to inflate his muscles, it's not going to happen overnight, but it requires effort and practice and commitment within the standard sports schedule without affecting physical health, because if everything on the unit turn on him, The muscles must have an integrated system that lives within a certain program and is centered around two main muscle amplification programs:
  • Diet program
  • Sports program
The food program is intended to interest the appropriate food to amplify muscle, that does not mean that exercise difficult exercises that alone is enough to build muscle, muscle building process need good nutrition to be transferred through aerobics elements useful for building muscle, and food assistance. To amplify muscle, To amplify the muscles, I will list them in a way that will make the picture visible to you, dear reader, as follows:

Sufficient intake of protein. The rule is that if you need between 1 and 1.5 times your body weight in grams of protein. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should eat between 150 and 225 grams of protein a day if you want to get strong muscles. Includes:
  1. Red meat like beef and lamb.
  2. Fish like tuna and salmon.
  3. Poultry, such as chickens, turkeys, and ducks.
  4. Eggs, especially egg whites. Egg yolk.
  5. Dairy products like milk, cheese, cheese, and yogurt.
  6. Nuts such as India, coconut and cashew nuts.
  7. Legumes, such as beans, and spinach.
And sports program, is the commitment to sport lifting weights (bodybuilding), requires exercise lifting weights three times a week, and the necessary instructions for inflating the muscles of bodybuilders and experts are as follows:-
  • You have to lift weights over four rounds, where the first round repeat old towards 12 times, the second round 10 times, and the third round eight times, and fourth 8 times.
  • And the next day is after two days of practice, where the next day carrying weights on four rounds, first round 12 times, and the second 12 times and 12 times, third and fourth 12 times, taking into account the level of the person, where the apprentice is not covered by this recipe, but these instructions only Advanced level of lifting weights.
And standard errors, are taking needles protein, or protein pills, to amplify muscle is coming fast, and this is quite healthy and a great danger to human beings, as such abuse causes stimuli to infertility and other diseases of the brain and nerves, thus inflating the muscles need patience and interest in food With proper exercise and stay away from all natural methods.
