How to use protein for bodybuilders


The protein is of complex organic compounds, and molecular weight is high level, consists of some amino acids that are linked together through the Association chain right there, is the protein of compounds in combination and functions of cells , in addition to a combination Virus, many proteins in combination of enzymes, in addition to structural and mechanical role as forming joints and Struts in cellular structure, and protein is a vital and important role in the immune response, transfer and storage, and bio molecules protein source of amino acids Regarding the organisms that cannot form these acids, and protein splits into two: there are animal protein, vegetable protein, protein molecules is huge both with many sugars and nucleic acids and fat all these; Group base material components, and contains living cells on the vehicles and a simple chemical elements and complex; they are important in the survival of live cells such as potassium, sodium, chlorine, sugars, starches, fats, and proteins.[1][2]

Protein for bodybuilders

The protein enters in the composition of muscles and build it, bones and nails and skin cells,[3] In addition to that eating protein helps muscle recovery after exercise, there is what is called industrial protein; a plain powder preparation, preparation requires water and a blender.[4]

Player bodybuilding to amplify his muscles by pack horse custom exercises to tighten her and overtaxed, the muscle fibers begin unraveling the result of big muscle effort, benefiting the body from the amino acids in protein to rebuild the fiber Demolished muscle, built where the stronger and bigger than it was, and that it takes the player bodybuilding large amounts of protein a day either through food, either protein produced, as whey protein (Whey Protein), and varies in terms of the amount of protein sources And the speed of absorption of protein, plus the time required for digestion.[5]

Take the natural protein (food source) longer to digest in the digestive system of the protein product, with an estimated time for the processes of digestion and absorption by the muscle fiber by four hours, it's one of the reasons asylum for producing proteins, the reason The other and more importantly is that the net amount of protein in each use of proteins produced are larger compared with food, so a complete meal substitute or more.[6]

Many products contain several useful types of protein amino acids you need muscle, so producers adds these amino acids in specific quantities, muscle fiber benefit from several types of amino acids and not the only one, nor can the multiplicity of types Amino acids found in food form and quantities required for muscle with the largest possible way.[7][8]

Different ratios of protein in the product from another product, also vary speeds absorbed by muscle,[9] Ranging from the amount of protein in one scoop full of 20 grams to 60 grams depending on the product. Some protein products contain large amounts of carbohydrates in order to increase the weights of people hard them gain weight, these are called protein weight gain products (English: Weight Gainer).

Our body needs protein

Take 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight, for example: If a person's body weight 90 kg, it needs to 72 grams of protein a day, this will fit the average person, athlete, his minimum 0.8 grams protein For every pound of weight, if he weighed 90 kilograms must address approximately 160 grams a day of protein.[10]

Must allocate approximately 15% calories from protein sources today, as one of four offers protein grams calories the average person, the person must be sport for 30% of daily protein sources.[11]

How to deal with players of bodybuilding protein

Powdered product protein is soluble in water, and measured by the scoop in the product package, prepared by the following steps:[12][13]
  • Fill the scoop of protein powder.
  • Pouring bottled powder scoop in large (Shaker) or in Blender for smoothies.
  • Re the previous two steps in case increased the quantity required.
  • Add water to half a liter to powder, and water is increased by increasing the amount of spilled powder.
  • Shake shake bottle until melt all ingredients in water, or use a blender to do that.
  • Drink the resulting compound, and prefer it in stages to avoid bulges in the stomach.
Food containing protein powder

Because of the large interest for products protein, delicious flavors made by producers, some chefs to prepare foods that contain protein powder, which can be added to desserts like cakes, or chocolate, you can also add it to some breakfast foods, such as pie, or eggs Fried, add some when preparing meat, such as meatballs, burgers (Hamburger), has some recent Bakers prepare bread contains high amounts of protein.[14] One of the benefits of adding protein to the food:
  • Avoid swelling of the stomach and intestines.
  • Can vegetarians get adequate protein a day by adding a scoop or two of protein in food, and that prevents them from eating meat, which is the primary source of protein from food.
  • Avoid collateral damage kidney and liver.[15]
The references
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  2. "What are proteins and what do they do?"NIH,22-11-2016، Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
  3. O'Keefe EJ, Hamilton EH, Lee SC, et al., "Trichohyalin: a structural protein of hair, tongue, nail, and epidermis." ، NCBI, Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
  4. Gina Shaw, "Do You Need Protein Powders?" ، WebMD, Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
  5. Tipton KD, Wolfe RR, "Exercise, protein metabolism, and muscle growth." ، NCBI, Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
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  9. Charlie Seltzer (14-5-2013), "Whey Concentrate vs. Isolate: What’s The Difference?" ، BuiltLean, Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
  10. Stephen Bergeron (24-12-2012), "Are You Eating Enough Protein To Build Muscle?" ، BuiltLean, Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
  11. "How many calories are in one gram of fat, carbohydrate, or protein?"USDA, Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
  12. "Protein shakes"WebMD, Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
  13. Jeremey DuVall (22-7-2015), "The Beginner’s Guide to Using Protein Powder"، DailyBurn, Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
  14. Robert Rister, "Cooking with Protein Powder"، SteadyHealth, Retrieved 26-11-2016.Edited.
  15. Zhaoping Li, Leo Treyzon, Steve Chen, et al., "Protein-enriched meal replacements do not adversely affect liver, kidney or bone density: an outpatient randomized controlled trial"،NCBI, Retrieved 26-11-2016. Edited.
