Muscle rupture
There are in the human body three types of muscles: smooth muscles, muscles involuntarily found in the wall of the internal organs in the body, such as stomach, bladder etc, and cardiac muscle, involuntary muscles that make up the heart, either The third type-which will be the subject of this article-it is skeletal muscle, voluntary muscle responsible for movement of the body, the movement of the legs and hands. Skeletal muscle tissue is composed of a large number of muscle fibers, which in turn consists of a set of myofibrils, each consists of two kinds of muscular Lieve carving albrotinh, actin and myosin. Sliding strings theory stipulates that explain the mechanism of muscle contraction, actin filaments slide between myosin filaments, which leads to shortening myofibrils and thus muscle contraction and joint connected with it.[1]The muscle is torn, means the partial or total damage in the muscle fibers, or plugged in which associates them with the bones as a result of exposure to pressure than their resilience, as happens when you lift heavy objects unexpectedly. Muscle rupture may result in damage to some small blood vessels, causing bleeding and bruising, pain caused by irritation of the nerve endings in the RIP.[2] Increases the chance of tearing muscles when athletes who exercise requiring physical abrasion like boxing, football, hockey, or sports that require repeating certain movements are constantly leading to rupture of the forearm and hand such as: Canoeing, tennis, and golf. It can occur in people who have occupations requiring heavy lifting.[3]
Symptoms of torn muscles
Different symptoms of a ruptured
muscle by RIP, you need several weeks for symptoms to disappear in the
case of light and moderate injuries, in the case of acute symptoms may
need months to disappear, and the symptoms of torn muscles:
- Sudden pain at the place of injury.[4]
- Swelling of the muscle and its fit.[4]
- Incidence of bruising and discoloration of the area.[4]
- Limited ability to move a muscle.[4]
- Stiffness and soreness where you hurt.[4]
- The emergence of a gap in the muscle.[5]
- Hear a popping sound when the injury occurred.[5]
- Muscle weakness and difficulty moving compared to the other side of the body.[5]
- Severe pain and swelling at the place of injury.[5]
- Severe pain in the back of habitual activities prevents, or moderate pain in the back is worsening after several days.[5]
- Back pain has not improved within two weeks of treatment.[5]
- Back pain associated with any of the following symptoms:[5]
- A feeling of numbness in the groin or rectum.
- Pain and burning when urinating.
- Fever and chills.
- Difficult to control the process of urinating or defecating.[5]
- Numbness or tingling in your leg.[5]
- Severe pain can be infected from walking more than a few steps.[6]
- Severe pain prevents the patient from sleep.[6]
Diagnosing muscle rupture
To diagnose a ruptured muscle doctor may resort to the following:[7]- Clinical examination.
- Scan using the scanner.
- Computerized tomography (CT).
- MRI scan.
Treat muscle rupture
Muscle tear treatment
needs a lot of time and patience, where treatment starts immediately
after exposure and continues until regaining muscle strength, and
- Assistance to injured muscle tearing immediately after injury-using the principle of (PRICE)-in order to get the best results. Principle
(PRICE) is a compilation of the first letters of words (Protection,
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation), this principle means the following
first aid steps which must include:[8]
- Protection (Protection): protect the muscle from the complications increase the severity of the injury.
- Rest (Rest): avoid doing any physical activity may cause pain and delay healing.
- Ice (Ice): using ice packs to relieve pain, and prevent infections, vascular closure affected where advised to put ice packs on the place of the injury for 20 minutes every hour, with a towel or any barrier between the body and the snow.
- Pressure (in English: Compression): put a rubber band compressor without tightly on the pain area to reduce swelling.
- Heaving (Elevation): elevate the injured part to reduce fluid and therefore relieve the swelling.
- Put hot compresses after a day, or two days of infection — after the swelling-which helps to relax the muscle, either put hot compresses before they loosen tumors, increased pain and swelling, you should avoid putting hot compresses on the skin directly.[8]
- Anti inflammatory medication, painkillers such as: (bevirin), and (advil) to relieve pain and movement.[8]
- After the demise of the acute pain and swelling, begins work on the rehabilitation of injured segment, where health care providers with physical therapy for muscle and instruct the patient to perform a set of workouts depending on where and how the resulting damage, to prevent Muscle stiffness, improve mobility and flexibility.
- The ultimate goal of rehabilitation is to enable the patient to return to daily activities with ease, and returning to exercise, if infected. Rehabilitation period depends on the severity of the injury, and over the individual response to treatment, some injuries that require between 8 to 12 months before full recovery.[9]
- May include physiotherapy using ultrasound or massage the muscle.[7]
- The doctor may resort to surgery to repair damaged muscles and ligaments; depending on the patient's expectations for later recovery.[7]
Prevention of muscle rupture
Muscle rupture can be prevented by following these tips:[10]- Stop exercising, or training when feeling pain or fatigue, not to strain muscles.[10]
- Eating healthy food, containing all the nutrients to maintain the strength of the muscles of the body.[10]
- Choose the appropriate personal protective equipment when playing games and sports.[10]
- Maintain a healthy weight, overweight body carries an additional pressure.[10]
- Take the necessary steps to prevent bogging things; by maintaining the corridors and stairs free of clutter, and avoid errors during winter.[10]
- Run on flat surfaces only.[10]
- Wear the right shoes and replace them immediately after the damage.[10]
- Practicing stretching on a daily basis.[10]
- Make sure the physical body fitness before you start playing sports.[10]
- Not warm enough before participating in exercises, or exercise.[10]
- Bend the knees when lifting heavy loads, and avoid bending the back.[6]
- Avoiding movements of body wrap.[6]
- Refrain from smoking, to improve blood flow to the muscles.[6]
[1] Richard Weil (12-12-2016), "How Muscles Work and How They Respond to Resistance Exercise"،, Retrieved 28-12-2016. Edited.
[2] Reviewed by William Blahd (9-5-2016), "Muscle Strain"، Web Md, Retrieved 1-2-2017. Edited.
[3] Reviewed by Sabrina Felson (16-11-2016), "Sprain vs. Strain: What’s the Difference"، Web Md, Retrieved 3-1-2017. Edited.
[4] Ann Pietrangelo ,Kristeen Cherney (Reviewed on20-10-2015), "Muscle Strains"، Health Line, Retrieved 1-2-2017. Edited.
[5] "Muscle Strain",, Retrieved 1-2-2017. Edited.
[6] "Back Strains and Sprains", Cleveland Clinic,Reviewed on 16-1-2015، Retrieved 1-2-2017. Edited.
[7] Benjamin Wedro (Reviewed on 11-5-2015), "Sprains and Strains"،, Retrieved 3-1-2017. Edited.
[8] William Shiel (Reviewed on 20-8-2016), "Muscle Strain "، e Medicine Health, Retrieved 1-2-2017. Edited.
[9] "Muscle Sprains and Strains",, Retrieved 3-2-2017. Edited.
[10] "Questions and Answers about Sprains and Strains", National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases,1-2015، Retrieved 1-2-2017. Edited.
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