Strengthen the muscles of the hand

We know that everything we do needs to force movement of hands of driving and even tying your shoes, all need strength and flexibility of the forearms, hands and wrists, you should pay attention to all those members exposed to physical effort which could damage the nerves and muscle tendons and muscles and tissues. For soft, and can lead to repeated injuries or pain in the wrist.

The movement of these muscles serve to mitigate the risk of stiffness, enhances the General movement, finger dexterity and can do some exercises or workouts are all at least three times each week.

1. Playing Cards:

Sit back and relax on the floor and throw a bunch of cards in front of you, and every time you get any paper you pick up with your right hand, repeat the training so you can pick up all the cards with one hand, and during that you'll be attentive to the breathing system and to the percentage of effort made while trying to pick up paper.

The benefit of this exercise:
Training improves the coordination process between eyes and hands and the skill of using fingers.
2. Finger-laying training:

A-Stretch your hand and simplify it forward and combine your fingers into each other with the thumb made towards the big finger.
B-Stretch your fingers and thumbs as far as possible and then combine your fingers, repeat the opening and consolidation process from 15 to 20 times.

The benefit of this exercise:
Improved finger skill and range of motion.

3. Wrist bending and duration:

A-Put your hands in front of you and stretch your arms and wrists straight and rest your hands down. Fold your wrists and flip your fingers towards the ground. Keep this position up to the count to five. Now stretch your wrists and repeat the drill five times.
B-Reverse the direction and wrap your wrists until your fingers go up. Keep this position until you're done counting to five. Stretch your wrists and repeat the training five times.

The benefit of this exercise:
Strengthen the wrists and the ulna and help you get rid of the distress caused by the carpal tunnel syndrome.

4. Strengthening of the Hand and the ulna:

A-Hold a towel after wrapping it at your chest level, stretch your arms and rest your hands down and keep your hands on the distance between your shoulders. Now drag both sides of the towel in opposite directions to build a tense situation.
B-Keep your arms straight and maintain the tension while you're holding the towel. Wrap the towel forward and then back. Repeat training from 10 to 15 times.

The benefit of this exercise:
Double the strength of the hand and the ulna and increase the elasticity of movement in the wrist.

5. Hand Pressure:

A-Press the palms of your hands in front of your chest and make your fingers go up. Keep your hands tight and lift your elbows so you can feel tensile in your hand, now keep this position for 10 to 15 seconds.
B-Reverse position: Place the surface of the hand in a form that becomes contiguous with the finger pointing down. Keep this position for 10 to 15 minutes.
