Strengthen muscles with herbs


The muscular tissue is the main source of body strength and movement; since his first change of straightening the body, move the internal organs of human body, which contain approximately 650 muscle, muscle constitutes half block body.[1]

All the muscles of the human article itself, namely a flexible fabric consists of bundles of quasi-elastic fibrous material, which is similar to what goes into making the link rubber; muscle consist of thousands to hundreds of thousands of small muscle fibers, Approximately 40 mm, is composed of very small strands of fiber. Muscle fibers are controlled by nerves, which make them contract; muscle depends primarily on the amount of fiber in them.[1]

Muscle movement

The movement requires an effort of the entire body, when human movement think the brain determines which muscles are required to complete that move, then send electrical impulses through the spinal cord and nerves to the muscles, Knowing that there must be adequate amounts of neurotransmitters in order to complete the process of contraction, thus starting the transaction. There are mechanisms that allow brain motion tracking in the discharge, this is called proprioception (Proprioception) and the human can find the location of a particular Member of the body of the relationship with other objects in the surroundings, as well as Of gravity.[2]

Muscle strength

The strength of the muscle depends on two factors: the mass and neural simulations with muscle fiber; muscle strength increases with increasing number of fibers that are employed by neural simulation, for example, that if the stronger arm muscle recruitment 50000 leaf Muscle compared to employing 25000 muscle fiber.[2]

The lifting effort on muscles routinely leads to improved simulation between the brain and nerves, neuromuscular connector, muscle fibers, thus gaining strength muscle. To amplify muscle cells is another way to increase muscle strength, and is an entirely different mechanism neural simulation method, when a person weights that lead to rupture of the muscle llevat in microscopic muscle fiber, and this will stimulate the reflex The body to rebuild shattered fibrils, and leads to their growth and increase their number through the use of nutrients, this increase in the number of myofibrils would increase muscle fiber size. It should be noted that no increase in the number of muscle fibers, but increase in fibrils within them.[2]

Benefits of certain herbs and plants for muscles

When dealing with herbs, healthy diet and exercise continuously improve muscle building process, because some herbs can increase rates of virility hormone (Testosterone), leads to an increase in muscle mass And energy during exercise, and certain herbs also helps inflate muscles by improving the body's response to stress, but you must be careful when using medicinal plants; some may have side effects, or may interact with some types of medicines.[3]

The ring

The leaf ring strengthens muscles and increase their ability to carry heavy loads, this plant also prevent infection cancer; by studying the benefits of leaf ring enables the athletes who consumed leaf ring of increase weight during rehearsal performance pay with legs, but Disadvantages of eating fenugreek plant is strong body odor and they make sweet-scented.[4]


Chamomile herb is of ancient herbs used in treatments including treat muscle spasm, and contains 36 kinds of flavonoids, so it is important to treat infections. Chamomile is used by fat and massage the affected area with this herb oil to mitigate the effects of cramping, drinking Chamomile tea also helps to loosen tight muscles.[5]


The herb Rosemary herb is fragrant, Evergreen, and in the Mediterranean Sea, this herb is used in cooking as a spice, as it is the perfume industry, are very beneficial for a healthy body. This plant is a rich source of iron, calcium, vitamin b 6, as it is full of antioxidants and NSAIDs. This herb has been used since antiquity to treat muscle pain and improve memory, and many other benefits.[6]

Useful nutrients for muscles

You need the muscle at its rest-when body building-to provide energy, by providing some different vitamins and minerals.

Vitamin c

Vitamin c is essential to ensure the health of blood vessels, and that in turn leads to provide oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, and the vitamin c enters into the composition of collagen, the body uses to build bone and muscle.[7]

The calcium

According to Dr. bobovitz (English: Dr. Popovitz), calcium is one of the most important are raising elements to build bone and muscle. There's the calcium in milk and its derivatives, add the vegetables, you are advised to enter 1200 mg into the body daily.[7]

Vitamin b

A series of B vitamins which are 1, 2, B, 3, B 6, and B-7, and B12 is a very important public health of the body, especially to those who try to inflate and strengthen their muscles; Vitamin B is responsible for protein metabolism, as well as energy production. There is only vitamin B in animal derivatives of food, where vegetarians can only get it through dietary supplements. 7]

The References

  1. Christian Nordqvist (17-9-2014), "What are muscles?"، MNT, Retrieved 16-2-2017. Edited.
  2. Richard Weil, Benjamin Wedro (12-12-2016), "How Muscles Work and How They Respond to Resistance Exercise"،, Retrieved 16-2-2017. Edited.
  3.  Juniper Russo (6-5-2015), "Herbs to Grow Muscle Mass"، LIVESTRONG.COM, Retrieved 8-3-2017.Edited.
  4.  Michael Greger (23-4-2013), "Increasing Muscle Strength with Fenugreek"،, Retrieved 16-2-2017. Edited.
  5.  Summer Fanous, "The 7 Best Natural Muscle Relaxers"، HealthLine, Retrieved 27-3-2015. Edited.
  6.  Joseph Nordqvist (15-9-2015), "Rosemary: Health Benefits, Precautions, Drug Interactions"، MNT, Retrieved 16-2-2017. Edited.
  7. Charlotte Hilton Andersen, "7 Nutrients That Help Increase Muscle Tone"، SHAPE, Retrieved 16-2-2017. Edited.
