Total Daily Estimated Energy Requirement
Your total daily estimated energy requirement (EER) is the amount of kcals you need to eat each day to offset the energy expended through your BMR and physical activity and maintain an energy balance of zero. Calculate your EER in Worksheet 1-2.
Worksheet 1-2. Calculate Your Estimated Energy Requirement (EER)
*Your BMR is calculated in Worksheet 1-1. The Activity Factor is from Table 1-1. The estimated energy needs of typical 19-50 year old men and women who are light to moderately physically active are 2,900 and 2,200 kcals/day, respectively.
By meeting your EER, you should have an energy balance of “zero” and maintain your current body weight. If your goal is to either lose or gain weight, adjust your kcal intake only slightly and engage in a well-rounded exercise program. A healthy goal when losing or gaining weight is to lose or gain 1/2 - 1 lbs. per week.
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